Fake Loganair Online Impersonation Pages Statement


We are aware that fake Loganair accounts are appearing online and on social media channels, including Facebook, WhatsApp, and X.

Some of these channels proactively contact customers and ask them for their phone numbers or personal information. Furthermore, they include details about fraudulent cancellation and refund policies and direct-to-contact scammers. We are reporting these illegitimate channels and hope to have them removed as soon as possible.


Please be aware that Loganair will only ever contact you on social media through our official channels (@flyloganair), and we will never ask you for your bank, credit, or debit card details. Loganair does not use WhatsApp as a form of customer communication.


If you are ever in doubt that a request for information is legitimate, please contact us via our Customer Help Centre.


If you think you have been the victim of fraud, please report this immediately to your financial institution.

We are working hard to protect our customers online, but we ask that you always remain vigilant to protect yourself from fake social media accounts. Please join us in reporting any accounts that you suspect to be fake.