Weather Disruption – Sunday, 23 February 2025
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Please provide a valid value for Home Address
Please provide a valid value for Please select your preferred base of operations
Please provide a valid value for Have you worked with Loganair previously?
Please provide a valid value for Have you previously been employed for any airline?
Please provide a valid value for Please give details of which airline(s)
Please provide a valid value for Please detail position held
Please provide a valid value for Please detail employment start date
Please provide a valid value for Please detail employment end date
Please provide a valid value for What is your current total number of hours of flight time?
Please provide a valid value for What is your exact total hours of flight time at the time of application?
Please provide a valid value for Do you currently hold, or have previously held, a Type Rating for the following?
Please provide a valid value for I am eligible to live and work indefinitely in the UK
Please provide a valid value for Hold a valid passport which permits unrestricted worldwide travel
Please provide a valid value for I can confirm I am the holder of a current and Full UK CAA ATPL
Please provide a valid value for I confirm that I hold English language proficiency to ICAO level 4 or above
Please provide a valid value for I confirm that I can swim unassisted for at least 25 metres
Please provide a valid value for I confirm that I am over 18 years old
Please provide a valid value for I confirm that I am able to provide a full 5 year history of employment, or education, including all relevant and valid Criminal Record Checks (CRC)
Please provide a valid value for Please upload a copy of your CV/Resume here
Please provide a valid value for Please write a brief statement (max. 500 words) telling us why you wish to join Loganair.
Please provide a valid value for Please write a brief statement (max. 500 words) telling us what qualities you believe would make you an ideal fit and a valued member of our team.
Please provide a valid value for Loganair has a rather varied and demanding route network, how would you find operating in this environment day to day?
Please provide a valid value for Loganair is currently seeking for the role of Direct Entry Captain only. I acknowledge that my completed application form is suitable to this role.
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